Getting ready for an interview?
One of the best ways to prepare is by practicing your responses to common interview questions.
To make it easier, we've compiled the questions employers often ask, so you can create your own practice checklist and use it to boost your interview confidence.
Get your own practice interview template in four simple steps:
Step 1
Click a coloured category on the right of the page to expand it and see the questions to choose from. There are motivation, behavioural, situational and skills-based questions.
Step 2
Click a question to add it to the workspace. You can add as many questions as you like. Click the pink 'X' to remove a question. On a mobile device, simply tap on a question to select or deselect.
Step 3
Take the opportunity to add your own questions. You might think of some specific to the role you're going for. Type your questions into the text box and select 'Add'. On a mobile device, press 'preview' to view your questions.
Step 4
When you're happy with your selected questions, click 'download my template' to access your practice interview list in PDF form. Use it to help you practice your responses and get ready to ace your next interview.
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