

RTO Code: 40939
Institution rating
Positive career impact
Recommended by students

About us

  • CQUniversity provide higher education programs in a range of study areas
  • Courses available across campuses in Queensland and in study centres in other major cities
  • Flexible learning – study with one of the largest online education providers in Australia

CRICOS code: 00219C          TEQSA: PRV12073

Student reviews

How do students rate their experience?

Average rating of 353 course reviews

Current and industry-relevant content
Course content compared to what was expected
Balance between theory and practical work
Quality of teachers and academic support
Ability to balance study with your other commitments
Assistance to help you find a job
Quality of online study portal
Transparency of course fees

What are students saying about their experience?

353 course reviews

Published Sep 2018
Graduate Certificate in ManagementCQUniversity
Graduation date2006
Study modeOnline
Student review
I would have continued to MBA but then CQU moved out of Fiji so that was the downside.
Published Sep 2018
Graduation date2014
Study modeOnline
Student review
CQU is a great place to study - the staff are friendly and available, and happy to assist each student. The course content is up-to-date with current legislation and industry requirements and the student support personnel are easily accessible via the University portal or by phone and provide prompt advice and assistance. I highly recommend CQU.
Published Sep 2018
Graduation date2009
Study modeBlended
Student review
I felt some of the lectures were more supportive and helpful than others.

SEEK Learning has not verified the truth or accuracy of these comments and does not adopt or endorse any of the comments posted on this page. SEEK Learning collects and posts the comments for what they are worth and for information purposes only to help future students make an informed choice for their education through www.seek.com.au/learning.View our Community Guidelines and further information here.

Where can I find this institution?

Available campuses

  • Online
  • Adelaide
  • Brisbane
  • Bundaberg
  • CQUniversity Mackay Ooralea
  • Cairns
Online study also available

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