Salary and pay calculator

See how much you'll be paid weekly, fortnightly or monthly by entering a figure below
Your pay
Time period
Tax year
2022 - 2023
Pay includes superannuation
2022 - 2023
Take home pay
Taxable income
Total taxes

Your salary breakdown

Total $84,000
Take home pay$65K
Total taxes$19K
Your salary - Superannuation is paid additionally by employer *
Total $92,820
Base salary $84K
Super $8.8K *
This salary and pay calculator shows estimates only
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Commonly asked questions about take home pay

Do you have questions about your income, tax rates and how to negotiate salary or discuss a pay rise? We’ve got the answers right here.

What are the income tax rates based on annual salary?

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Is taxable income gross income?

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How can I negotiate my salary?

How should I talk about my salary expectations?

How should I ask for a pay rise?

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